This is the man that I ran off with, after my husband & I separated. (No, I didn't know him beforehand.)
These 2 men have unknowingly shaped me and my entire outlook on men, the world, love, romance, and myself. Both men have taught me. These men are complete polar opposites in every aspect of their lives. But each, to me, are perfect representatives of my own extremes, and in each one there was a certain comfort.
Since knowing these two, I have dated lots of other types, and they all seem to fall somewhere in between. It's as if these guys have etched themselves in my head, each representing the opposite ends of my mental spectrum.
It's sort of an Ernie/Bert phenomenon. Black/white. Bitter/sweet. Easy/hard. Empty/Full.
I'm on a swing. A see saw. A rollercoaster that ends up in the lake. A contaminated one.
Just so you know.