January 19
Dear Diary,
Excuse that mess on the opposite page. I didn't realize how messy it was! I just finished my book, Veronica Ganz. It was about a girl who was a real bully & beat up on boys & everything. Well, today was President Carter's last day in the White House. I bet Reagan is pleased! I seem to be doing better. My throat isn't soare anymore, but I've been coughing like crazy! I probably won't go to school for 2 more days. Love- Doing Better
January 20
Dear Diary,
I stayed home from school again today, but I think I'll be going on Thursday. Today was very important! First, Ronald Reagan became President today, (he took President Carter's place, ) then.....THE HOSTAGES WERE RELEASED! What a day! Love, Amy
January 21
Dear Diary,
I stayed home from school today! I can't wait till tomorrow. I get to go to school. I'll tell you my dream I had last night. Well, I was ice-skating on the highway, and went to our old deer lease, in Lampassas. It was all fixed up! (the cabin.) There was even a baby grande piano. Gretchen, my friend, was with me. I taught her how to play the piano. It popped when Valerie woke me up. Amy
January 22
Dear Diary,
Today was fun! I caught up on all of my work. While the rest of the class took a science test, I had to catch up on math. After school on the kindergarden playground, Angela called me a BITCH! I really hate her! When she was leaving, I said, "I think the same of you!" and when I got home, I told Mommy. She said she's gonna tell Sister Paula on Angela. At 7:30, Daddy took me, Dara, & Valerie to swim at Kimball. I won a $1.00 bet with Dara!
January 23
Dear Diary,
Today was the most fun (and tiring) day! First, in school we didn't have any work, and we baked bread and did a quilting bee. Then after school, me & Dara rode the bus downtown and went ice-skating. I didn't fall once! Then Colleen called & wanted to know if I could go rollerskating. I could and we skated from 7:30 to 11:30! I rode home with her and spent the night. Before we went to bed we watched Devil Dog, Hound of Hell. It sure was scary! Love, Tired
January 24
Dear Diary,
Today I went to the doctor with Colleen. She had an effection of the gaul bladder. We didn't get any breakfast, so we got donuts from Kroger. Mommy came and picked me up at 3:00 and they had just come back from Ovilla. You know what? We might build a house out there. Last night at the skating rink, I forgot to tell you who was there. Bruce, Mark, Janie and Leslie. We sure did have fun! Love, Amy