Saturday, September 8, 2007

January 7 - 12, 1981

January 7
Dear Diary,
I think today was okay. I called Gretchen & she is going ice-skating. (with me.) She's never been before & I have to show her how. It's gonna be sow fun! Oh I feel so bad! On the 5th we had a contest. I told Mrs. Witte that my uncle is an auctioneer. Confrences are coming up so I'm afraid she's going to mention it to Mommy. I'm really in for it, huh? This dumb pen is making a real mess on my fingers. I better stop using it! L- Amy

January 8
Dear Diary,
I hate dara! I didn't capitalize her name because dara isn't important. I bought her a record, & she can't even give me a piece of gum! I got an A-100 on my math test, 100 in science! I put lotion on dara's clock button- the one you push to sleep longer. When she pushes it in the morning, she'll think it's bugers or something. Also I'm not talking to her.

January 9
Dear Diary,
today was so fun! After school, Gretchen rode home with me. We went ice-skating at the Plaza of the Americas. It's the 3rd time I've been there. We're also going on Sunday. Every Sunday at 2:30 with Gramma. Me and Gretchen drew some pictures & I finally got my soft-sculpture book. A free fruit basket came with it. Gretchen has BIG tits. Love, Amy

January 10
Dear Diary,
Today was okay. We were going to see 9 To 5 at Redbird, but the tickets were all sold out. We took Gretchen home and went to visit the Roadys. Thank God it's Saturday! Tomorrow we are going ice-skating with Gramma. (Just me and Dara.) I know my way around great there. The clerk knows me good. I can skate backwards. Dara thinks she's so hot! Gretchen & I went skateboarding down the street. Love, A

January 11
Dear Diary,
Today was one of the worst days! We looked so forward to going ice-skating. And you know what? Gramma's car stalled and couldn't get over here from Cedar Creek. Also, Mommy is starting to get sick and me & Dara will have to watch Val & Joe all the time. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Every Tues. & Friday (I mean Thurs.) I have to babysit Holli-4, John-6, Daniel-2. I get a dollar each time.

January 12
Dear Diary,
Today was ok. For the last half of school, Mrs. Witte had Jury duty. Mrs. Hopp, Jennifer's dumb mother, was our substitute. Sorry about my handwriting, but my dumb right thumb hurts like hell! Boy, if Mommy knew how much I cussed in this diary, she'd french-fry my elbows! Love, Amy