Saturday, September 8, 2007


this is something I wrote recently on heaven. Just so you know exactly how conservative and crabby I really am when it comes to God.

I don't understand His love for us, but I know it would blow our minds if we fully understood it. I don't know for sure the exact timeline of end-time events, and in what exact order, and at what point in time the church will be raptured, and I'm glad I don't, becuase I don't want to get all caught up in debates. I used to think we'd be zapped off the earth before any trouble came our way, but that's a pretty selfish outlook if you ask me. The way I see it is, if He wants to come get us now, yay! If He waits till the middle of the game, even better. If we are not redeemed till the very end, as in, dying for our faith, so be it. Many Christians have suffered this fate in the past, and many are enduring this even as we speak, in other countries. Who are we to think we should be spared? Are you willing and prepared to give your life for your faith in Christ? Would you? Or would you turn and run, or deny your faith? Anyway, why all the debate on the timeline? I see it as a distraction. We need to keep our focus on maintaining our relationship with God, doing what we are here to do, until He says it's time to go. Heaven and all it's glory awaits. His Word says we will have rich reward there, including, but not limited to, a mansion?!? Seriously, I don't know what I'd do with one. This is why I want nothing to do with treasure on earth. What's the point? How bout just do without, and enjoy whatever He gives you in heaven? Personally, I am leaning more and more towards trailer park living. I'm getting down to the core of who I really am, and believe you me, it's not a pretty sight. What was I saying? Oh I was going to mention angels. I'm against that too. No, not angels, but the whole fascination with them. They're not supposed to be admired and celebrated and all that. Take your angel decorations down. Get rid of your angel jewelry. They are ministering spirits created to help out God, period. I thank God for His protection, and I thank God for His angels. But I leave it at that. And never pray to angels! And never pray or talk to someone you love who has died. That's bad news. What, did you think my heaven page would be all fluffy and happy with little floating cherubs playing harps? That's another thing! We are not going to be floating around with angel wings, eating bon bons for eternity. His Word says that we will have work to do, and that we will be praising Him. We were created to praise Him. Have you ever tried it? Have you ever just cut loose and praised Him? The first few times I did, it was weird. Then I got more free with it. Then I discovered how incredible it makes you feel. Just get your mind off of yourself, and think about Him. Think about how He actually took the time to create YOU. He made you up. He thought of your personality and everything about you. It's no accident the way you are. You are His design! I mean, when you really think about it, that is downright amazing. Why not thank Him? I do, all the time. I'm like, God, thank you for actually taking time out and thinking of me and making me. For real. Don't take your existence for granted! You know what else? He IS love. He has so much love to give, and you are one more vessel that was created to be able to receive this love. Open up. Open up to God. Let Him pour His love into you. Let go. Receive. Let Him bring healing and restoration to your body, mind, and soul. Thank Him for His love in this dark world. Ask Him to shed light on your path. Ask Him to give you wisdom. People, God is so good, and He loves us SO MUCH, unconditionally. Trust Him. Believe Him. Receive His gift of eternal life, turn to Jesus. Get to know Him. Invest in a relationship with Him. Lay down your old ways, kiss your past goodbye. Read His Word. Spend time in prayer. Thank Him for His blood that was shed, it's what gives you and me the right to be called children of God. Not works or deeds or good intentions. Oh, and one more thing...keep it real. We are scruffy imperfect humans, all of us. I think that's all. For now. ♥