Sunday, September 9, 2007

some dreams

more stuff I wrote a couple months ago...

July 16, 2007 - Monday

Ok. I did it. I came out of my cave and made myself known.
I am not going to hide anymore. People can now....find me. (*shudders*)
And I just might ....listen. and maybe, just maybe....respond.
I have been unlisted for a decade. Not sure why. Maybe it had something to do with the trail of destruction I've left behind me.
Maybe it had something to do with the way I end communications with folks. It goes like this. >delete!<
And then you change your email. And phone number, if they are the persistant type.
I think it's because I haven't had the mental energy to deal with stuff, as in, other people's sides to things, other people's reasonings & what-not.
Oh wow, as I was typing that last sentence, I just remembered my dream from the other night!!
I was in a back yard. I think it was my own back yard. I was just minding my own business, and then I realized, right beside my yard, like, right on the other side of the fence, was a real live baseball game going on! With a huge field and stadium seating and the cheering crowd and everything. I was like, "Hmmmm..."
Yeah. Just standing there, aware of this pro baseball game taking place right on the other side of the fence. And then it hit me. I knew that it was only a matter of time before a baseball would come sailing over the fence and hit me....and just as I thought of this, I looked up into the sky, and sure enough, there it was, hurling through the air like a blazing comet, coming right toward my head!! I ducked, just in time, and it hit the ground beside me.
I stood back up, reached down and grabbed the baseball, opened a gate in the fence, and stepped right on to the baseball field! Walked right up near to the pitcher. Everyone was staring at me. I smiled. And threw the ball, with my hardest underhand throw, straight into the pitcher's glove. And then turned and walked back to my little yard.
When I woke up, I died laughing, thinking, how true is that! This is a perfect illustration of my life. For the most part, I mind my own business, and keep to myself, but sometimes things come at me, just random unexpected things that would ONLY happen to me. I've learned to be on the lookout for these flyballs...(is that what they're called?)...I expect them now. And I think I've learned to duck.
But the best part of that dream is, I know how to give it right back. To make the most of it. When these unexpected things happen to me, I find a way to throw one right back at life. In my own little way.
God made me small. And dingy. I somehow get away with things that the next person might not be able to pull off.
I'm really starting to love my life. I see the humor in it all, the beauty, the love, the lessons....I see all of it so much more clearly now. And I'm filled with so much love for people...I never thought my heart would feel this way. God has done something to me during this strange time, for sure. He's repaired me somehow. At first, when I started to feel again, it was terrible. It really, really sucked. But now.....I see everything so different. I just want to hug everybody!!
I'm totally cracking myself up. And here I go again, about ready to lock myself out of this account. It's my new secret weapon against myself. To keep me from deleting what I've written.
*bye for now*

I am totally going to cheat here, because this one is not my own dream. But it's so close to my heart, it might as well be. I'm going to share it, and just hope the owner of the dream doesn't see it... I should be alright. Uh, but here's my disclaimer: Hey you big lug, I have a big mouth and I tell stories about everybody, ok?? And it was *MY* prayer for you so I should get to tell it.
An old friend of mine, actually an old boyfriend, endures a lot of stress in his life. He builds custom motorcycles with his brother and is the most exhausted person I know. He is so wrapped up in this business, which is great and all, but you see, he's a musician. A good one. A brilliant one. And he needs to be reminded to keep his music alive. By me. (That's my job.)
He's special. Because, for one thing, he was with me when a very amazing thing happened to me. Right after I got saved, a helmet was delivered to my head, just seconds before I crashed into a table. I hit my left temple so hard that it knocked me to the ground, but there was no injury...because this motorcycle helmet was just brought in, just minutes earlier, by these...guys.....and one of them just put it right on my head! For no reason! But that's another story. Anyway, Jason (ha! I am so FREAKING TIRED of not naming names!) was dancing with me when this happened, he saw it all. Well, how could he not, when he was the one who (ahem) sort of threw me (accidentally) into the table...
So, he's a special one, not only for being with me for my first amazing event, but because he was by my side during a very difficult time, when I was 18. I have never forgotten his kindness towards me.
So...I am now attempting to get to my point.... a couple of years ago, he was totally tired and stressed. One night I prayed for him. I mean, prayed my heart out. I don't think I had ever prayed for him like this. I was very specific with God. I asked Him to show Jason EXACTLY where he's at in life. In the form of a dream. Don't ask me why I requested a dream, it just came out....
The next day we got together, just to catch up & say hello & what-not. As we're walking around the shop, he's showing me the new custom cars he was working on, and some very inappropriate pictures on the wall, he says, just out of the blue, "Amy, I had a strange dream last night."
My heart started pounding, the way it does when I know something's up. I played dumb and was like, "Oh yeah? What was it?"
He then proceeded to tell me, "I never dream....because I never sleep...but this was incredible....I was standing in front of a channel of water. I stood and looked at it, and then, I was in the water. I was trying to swim the channel, and then a huge whale came up and blocked my way....I didn't know what to do..."
My heart was beating like crazy. I was so totally into this....
He said, "And then, just out of the blue, I find myself leaping OVER the whale, through the air! I just sailed right on over it!"
He was smiling when he told this part, and I died laughing, for I already knew the meaning. But I remained quiet. Had to go home and pray about it.
A week later, it came to me, and so I told him, and I'm sharing it here, because who doesn't this apply to? Who doesn't face whales in their life??
I told him, (after sharing my story with him, of course, hee hee), that life's obstacles will come up and block your way, and when it seems that there's no way around them, there IS a way...there is ALWAYS a way, no matter what. And when there's no way around, the way is OVER....
And then of course I had to go into my talk on God. And trusting Him. To provide the needed answers. And His Word. And pray.
I think of his whale all the time, and I remember it when I'm faced with obstacles. There's always a way.

This is the very first prophetic dream I ever had. I became a Christian at 17, and it didn't take long for the dreams to start pouring in my little head. I think I was 17 or 18 when I had this one...
I found myself in a long dark tunnel, it seemed to have no end. It was very narrow- only wide enough for one person- and it was totally enclosed. I began to run, faster and faster, with no end in was very frightening...and then I realized that there were people running behind me. Not chasing me, but following me! As in, I was leading the way! Crazy! We all run faster and faster, and then I realize that we are in a corral....hurdles start appearing, and so now we are not only running as fast as we can, but now we all must leap over these hurdles, in the dark...
There was a sense of urgency and fear, and I knew we must find the exit, we must make it to the end. Finally, as I'm running, I begin to see a small light at the end, and as I get closer, it gets bigger...we all up our pace and make it to the exit...and just as we are all about to be free, a huge bull thrusts his head into the exit! It was not your ordinary bull, either. It was huge. It had horns like you wouldn't believe. And glowing red eyes. It was pure evil, and it was angry, and it snorted and did that thing with it's it was about to charge at me. I was terrified, but there were all these people behind me waiting to get out, and we had come so far, and through such darkness, and all the obstacles.....
So I stood my ground and began to pray. I held up my hand in the bull's face, and began to say the Lord's Prayer. As I did, the bull diminished in size, until it was just a weak little critter on the ground! I was amazed! But no time to be amazed...I had to finish...
I stood there at the side of the exit, still holding my hand in the direction of the bull, still praying, continually, and all the people began to exit, one by one, they were set free...

...they were set free......

Last year sometime (or was it two years ago?) I had a nice little evening with this nice guy. We sat at the table at the restaurant and chatted, and I proceeded to get a little tipsy. (They had good beer.)
Next thing you know, we're playing a little game. I have no idea how we started this, but we start taking turns showing each other various things in our wallets. Oh I remember, it started by me wanting to look at his driver's license picture. So then I showed him a picture of my daughter. Then a picture of my brother. Then he gave me one of his business cards. We were like kids at show & tell. Either that, or just really old, and really easily amused.
Anyway, this strange thing happened: all of a sudden, from out of nowhere, I opened my wallet up real fast and grabbed my Brookshire's "Thank You" card, and slapped it down on the table, saying, "I bet you don't have one of these!"
Well, at the very same time, he also had a card in his hand, but he hadn't slapped it down on the table yet. He just got this look on his face, then slowly turned the card around where I could see it. It was the same card. And what's more, we said "I bet you don't have one of these" at the very same time.
It was just one of those things. But the fact that it was a "thank you" card was significant.
About three days later, I had one of my "dreams". Not the regular kind, that just comes from my own brain. This was one of those dreams that the person is communicating with you. Do you know what I'm talking about? Like, what they say to you, is what they are really wanting to say to you in real life?
If you're a professional dreamer, like I am, then you know what I mean.
So anyway, in this dream, I see him standing there, looking at me. Just him. Nothing behind him, just blank space. He had a serious look on his face. And he said to me, "Thank You."
When he said this, I felt it in my heart. I felt the sincerity of it. But I have no idea to this day what on earth he was thanking me for.
And then I woke up.
No, he wasn't thanking me for a nice time.(trust me.)

July 15, 2007 - Sunday

Here's a dream I had about two years ago.
I saw a beehive hanging from a tree branch, right outside my front door. I wanted some honey! So I took a long stick and started hitting the hive. Of course, the bees were angry and started swarming all over the place.
I wouldn't give up. I went back, and this time I knocked the hive down with the stick. Not good. Now the honey production will stop. More angry bees.
So I give up and go back inside. And then...I look....
And hanging right there inside my living room is a small bee hut thing- like the kind that beekeepers have, you know, they look like little white houses? But this one was small, and hung from my ceiling, like a bird house!
As I'm standing there looking at it, a lone bee flies into my home. I watch as it goes straight to the little hut, deposits honey, and exits. Then it returns with some of it's buddies, and they all start doing the honey thing, right there in my house. Before long, there's an entire line of bees coming into my home, filling the hut with honey, and going back out again! I laughed as I watched them and sensed what they were thinking...they were like, "Here, honey, we know you want our need to knock down our hive...we've chosen to bring it to you." They were doing it for me. Out of love. Silly, I know. But I could feel the love of those bees in my dream.
Soon the little hut was overflowing with so much honey, it was running over the sides! I thought, "I have no way to store this honey!" I looked around for something to catch it in. Something, anything...but all I could find was a few old empty milk jugs. Unfitting and not good enough for this precious honey, but it was all I had. I was about to fill these old jugs with honey, when...
There appeared, right there on my living room floor, several beautiful crystal jars. They looked like something your grandmother would have in her curio cabinet. Square, with corked or sealed lids, with the chain know what I'm talking about? Decanters?
So now I not only have ample amounts of delicious honey, but am now provided with the means to store it. There was enough for me and everyone I know and love. It was so beautiful.
When I awoke from this dream, I was so moved, I just started crying. I felt overwhelmed, because I understood the meaning...
Love will come to you...
And if you think you can't handle it, think again...
Because God always provides a way.
He provided the honey, and also the containers to store it...
Our hearts are like containers. He refreshes and restores our hearts, does He not?

July 16, 2007 - Monday

I had this brief dream about 5 months ago.
I saw a large, muscular man, squatting down on the ground, giving his full attention to a small child. The big strong man was listening intently to this seemingly insignificant child's voice.
When I woke up, I understood the meaning almost instantly:
That we are entering into a strange time, where the wise and strong in the eyes of the world will turn to the small and weak in the eyes of the world. That God will now use the wisdom that He's hidden away in the seemingly useless and weak. That the wisdom of the world will no longer be of any use, and only His wisdom will see us through.

July 15, 2007 - Sunday

Now here's a dream I had about five years ago.
I was in a small, dark room. There were pillows lining the walls, and I think a few people just sitting around on the floor, talking quietly, relaxing...
And in the very center of this small room, there was a wooden coffee table.
I think in the beginning of this dream, I had been sitting around with these people. But then, out of nowhere I get this urge...and I mean, an URGE...
...and I jump up, and I get up on the coffee table, and everybody is looking at me.
I then bust out singing, at the top of my lungs, Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song!!
I was like, really loud, "...VALHALLA I AM COMING!!!!!!"
And everybody just sat there and stared.

July 16, 2007 - Monday

Normally I can find some kind of meaning in my dreams, but this one...well, you'll see.
I dreamed that I was walking in the woods with my cousin. I knew these woods were dangerous and filled with bears. Bad bears! But my cousin just walked along, all flippant about the danger at hand...
I then saw a huge bear, and warned my cousin to hide...but it was too late. The bear started to attack her, and I was somehow able to fight with it and make it go away.
Then, I see this:
The bear comes back out into our view, but this time he's not a threat. He's scooting along on a small rolling cart, like, on his belly...all injured and remorseful. He's rolling along the ground, saying, "I'm going to be a better bear now...I promise, I'm going to be a good bear..."
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention~ when he came out on the rolling thing, there was dramatic music playing in the background, like in a movie. Violins, flute, harp...

Just want to add, I only put this one in here due to it's sheer nuttiness. When I think that this came from my own brain, it just really makes me wonder...
I can just see that poor bear. On the road to rehabilitation. A new bear.
Wait! I just remembered something....I think I sensed that it was a trick...that the bear had something up his sleeve, or fur...
oooohhhh...could this have to do with trust? With trusting people that you shouldn't? Hmmmm....
Oh wow. I totally just figured it out. That particular cousin is someone I view as very naive and very uneducated in real life. Never ran with the wrong crowd, never dated the wrong kind of guy. Has a cookie-cutter kind of life. In my mind, she has no clue as to what really lurks out there.
There's bad bears out there, I'm tellin ya!! For real... :)

July 15, 2007 - Sunday

A few years ago, I had a dream.
I saw what appeared to be a wooden cube, I held it in my hand...
It had a black ribbon around it, tied in a bow. I watched, as the ribbon untied itself, and the wooden cube began to unfold itself... it started to reveal different layers and games. First, it turned into a chess board, then it re-arranged itself into a checkers board, then backgammon, Chinese checkers, and so on & so on... I was amazed at all of the different options.
Then, when the cube was finished showing me all of it's various game boards, it re-folded itself back up, nice and neat, back into a small cube. The black ribbon then wrapped back around, and tied itself into a bow.
When I awoke, I sensed in my spirit that I can "play any game I want."
Such is life. The options are endless.
How will I play?
Shall I cheat? Shall I be a good sport? Shall I even participate? Do I seek to win, and do I accept a loss? How do I treat my opponent?
I think that the name of the game, is to simply...